Twitter and the Syrian Electronic Army - A war tale
Contributed by: Email on 04/23/2013 12:42 PM
We gave you a glimpse of the SEA and their tactics against CBS and its Denver local news account over the weekend.
Since then the 'Army' has opened up 6 additional Twitter accounts, which Twitter has subsequently shut down just as fast as they pop up, with the exception of one account that remains active at this time.
The Army has also taken to YouTube with a victory video praising their exploits. Before you go checking out these cyber-terrorists keep this in mind, some of the tweets that were distributed from the CBS accounts had links that lead to websites that were set up in order to launch drive-by exploits of browsers. So my suggestion is don't go looking around for them, because you mind find more than you bargained for.
Information Weekly states that on Monday, a tweet from the @Official_SEA6 account linked to a picture purporting to be a data dump (a.k.a. dox) that included the email address, and phone and fax numbers, for Joseph "Sepp" Blatter, president of the worldwide soccer governing body FIFA. The same day, the Syrian Electronic Army also claimed to have taken over the Twitter accounts of both Blatter (@SeppBlatter) and the World Cup (@FifaWorldCup).
The accounts had been cleared of any Syrian Electronic Army messages by Twitter earlier today, and it appears that the accounts are being operated by the rightful owners.
@Official_SEA6 is still up and running for the time being, but I am sure that the Twitter team will be suspending it shortly, and again I would suggest not checking to see.