Anonymous' call to arms - Go dark April 22nd
Contributed by: Email on 04/20/2013 06:39 AM
If you are unaware of what CISPA is, here it is in a nutshell: The U.S government and its law enforcement would be able to request, and receive mountains of information from companies such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, and also your cell phone carrier. They would be able to use the information that gather for whatever purpose was deemed necessary, with NO LEGAL consequence.
Anonymous has made this statement regarding CISPA: We are going dark on MONDAY April 22nd at 6 AM GMT for 24 hours to protest your illogical and terrorizing bill against the Internet itself. Even with the whole Internet crying out to stop this BILL, the US House of Representatives failed to do so blinded by lobbyists money. So we will take action ourselves and open your eyes. Every popular/mainstream websites will be black until you, Mr. DronObama promise us to use your VETO power to stop this bill at Senate. Take this as a protest or a warning, as you wish. One thing is for certain, neither you or anyone else in this world can control the Internet, so dont even try. Stop wasting taxpayers money into doing these kind of shenanigans.
They also point out that this bill affects everyone not just U.S. citizens. Anyone with a Facebook account could now have their data shipped directly to the U.S. government.
Note that if this is fully enacted - Even those of us that had previously signed a terms of service and thought that the service provider had policies relating to the request of information, such as requiring a subpoena or a court order to release your information, those rights would be stripped under CISPA.