Best Deals Of The Weekend at TigerDirect!
Contributed by: Email on 04/19/2013 06:31 AM
All are rated at 5 stars giving you the extra confidence you need before dropping your hard earned cash.
To be honest with our Majorgeeks, an affiliate code is used below meaning that if you buy something, we get a small commission. I do the majority of my tech shopping personally at TigerDirect (including the desktop and monitor I write this on and recently an SSD drive) with delivery taking 2 days to my door every single time. I can share these deals with you and be honest about it.
Check these deals out and more at Best Deals Of The Weekend at TigerDirect!
Thanks for your continued support.
Update: They have added more deals on a 35 hour special just minutes ago (10:00 AM EST) which can be found here.