Want to make sure your date is not a cousin? - There is an app for that
Contributed by: Email on 04/18/2013 12:33 PM
So with that in mind Arnar Aðalsteinsson, Alexander Helgason and Hákon Björnsson, students at the University of Iceland, entered an app-building contest that was sponsored by the Íslendingabók database, which is a national record of Iceland residents and family trees dating back into the Middle Ages, and what they created what would be called the "Sifjaspellsspillir", or "incest spoiler."
The app basically alerts fellow users that they have a grandparent in common, thus stopping any tryst that might occur, and saving you from embarrassment I suppose.
Friðrik Skúlason, a software engineer who first started building the Íslendingabók database in the 1980s, which provides the genealogy information to the app, told NBC News that, "The database contains every single person who is currently alive or that we have been able to find any information about for the past 1,100 years." So I think that with or without the app it seems that dating of any kind is done at your own risk in Iceland.