Anonymous Raises $54,000 to Open "Your Anon News" Website
Contributed by: Email on 04/18/2013 06:41 AM
Anonymous is looking to move some of their content away from Twitter and Tumblr with their own domain name for news.
As a website owner, $2,000 isnt a lot to start-up however $54,000 should get them out of the gate in a hurry.
As Anonymous likes to say You Should Have Expected Us. As hacker groups go, Anonymous has managed to make a name for themselves. As one of the few smaller, independent websites out there we look forward to what they can do to shake up the status quo. It is difficult for a couple of guys like us to compete with the large mainstream websites who spend their days bulldozing comments, speculation, rumors and bias down everyones throat day in and day out as the masses line up to swallow it.