MiRobot: Milkman of the future?
Contributed by: Email on 04/10/2013 08:54 AM [ Comments ]
Source: Courtesy
What grabbed my attention to this was the rendition from Courtesy, which looks like a caterpillar with velocity stacks. It seems that with the implementation of this device it could cut overall costs of milk production, in that previously milking needed multiple persons on site to monitor the operation, but with MiRobot it would cut that down to one supervisor. The savings would be handed down to the consumer, which in these tight times would be welcome.
The Times of Israel reports that MiRobot is set to cost only $12,000 far less than the cost of any milking robot system so obviously there must be differences between the system and other robots. MiRobots CFO David Rubin said that the system sacrifices exacting accuracy, with parts and algorithms approximating the areas that the robot arms have to target in order to get the work done. But thats fine for a milking station, said Rubin. We are not talking about a machine shop, where a variation of an nth of millimeter is going to thrown off the entire manufacturing process. The cows teat and the cow itself is large enough that if the cup is positioned a few millimeters to the left or right, the milking process will be able to continue without a problem.
MiRobot is still in the early stages of development at this point, as the company is in the process of raising capital to continue funding the project, and ultimately produce a working prototype.